
Janis' Calling

"When you feel the calling to study here, trust that it is from God."

1. Tell us a bit about yourself.

I came to England 8 years ago from Hong Kong for university and was trained as a teacher. While I did not expect myself to start my theological training in London, I am now a first-year student in BA Theology with Youth Ministry Focus in the London centre, at the same time a part-time children and Youth Worker in a church in London. My future plan would be following where God leads me, be it in London or Hong Kong.

2. What drew you to study at St Mellitus College?

Friends from church were trained here and spoke really highly of it. I also came to one of the open days and was immediately impressed by how welcoming and understanding everyone was.

3. How would you describe the culture at St Mellitus College?

St Mellitus is very inclusive and accommodating. I do not feel excluded at all because of my ethnicity or English proficiency. It also welcomes people from all denominations which I love - being someone from a non-Anglican background. All of these aspects make me feel at ease when I step into the door of St Mellitus, knowing I am respected.

4. Why Youth Ministry?

I have always had an interest in working with young people. I wanted to be equipped in skills and knowledge to serve faithfully in Children and Youth Ministry. When I found out about the programme, I knew it would be a good fit for me.

5. What difference have your studies at St Mellitus College had on your life and faith?

Studying at St Mellitus College with a part-time job definitely demands time and effort to keep up with responsibilities in life, but I have experienced how God leads me through difficult times. I am still learning to put God before everything else, but studying at College has definitely helped with strengthening my faith and trust in him.

6. What tips or advice would you give a prospective student thinking of studying here?

When you feel the calling to study here, trust that it is from God. Allow yourself time to discern what his plan for you is. Do not feel inadequate because of whatever reasons you are thinking, know that God has sent you here for a reason.

7. In Three words describe your time at St Mellitus College.

Reflective, loved, and supported.


Theology, Ministry and Mission - Youth or Children’s Ministry Focus

Study Theology, Ministry & Mission with a youth or children’s ministry focus to deepen your theological foundations, develop youth or children’s work skills and grow your heart for future generations.

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