- The College will only consider applications from students who will be 18 by the time they enrol.
- Aptitude for study appropriate to the level of the qualification applied for (see below for further details with respect to each programme).
- International students would need to acquire a Visa for the entirety of the course before applying, as we are unable to offer sponsorship.
- Students need to be proficient computer and internet users to study on our programmes.
- Adequate ability to understand and communicate in written and oral English. The College’s application forms will ask students to disclose if they are not native speakers of the English language. Should they not be a native speaker, the following criteria would apply:
- For students applying for undergraduate courses: IELTS 6.5 (with no component under 6.0) or equivalent.
- For students applying for postgraduate courses: IELTS 7.0 (with no component under 6.5) or equivalent.
- Equivalent to the IELTS tests could include other forms of formal assessment in English, including but not limited to having undertaken an accredited level 6 or above course in a humanities-based subject. Final decisions on equivalence, and on the necessity of individual students undertaking language tests will remain with St Mellitus College, in consultation with Common Awards.
- Sympathy with and willingness to engage fully with the worshipping life of the Centre at which they are studying.
- Willingness to engage appropriately with the rest of the student body and staff team at both their own centre of study and, where relevant, the wider SMC student body.
- Evidence of maturity of character suitable for Christian ministry and theological study.
- Evidence of involvement in and commitment to the mission of a local church, which would normally be part of a member denomination of Churches Together in Britain and Ireland and/or the Evangelical Alliance.
Click on the below headings for additional entry requirements for specific programmes and to view the full Admissions Policy click here.
Additional Criteria
- Undergraduates will normally have three A Levels (grade C/grade 4 or above) or equivalent for
direct entry to a BA, two for entry onto a Diploma and one for entry onto a Certificate (see below for
possible exceptions). - For the Certificate in Higher Education in Christian Ministry and Mission, candidates will normally have two A levels (grade C/grade 4 or above) or equivalent for direct entry as a result of the programme being 180 credits (CertHE 180) as opposed to 120 credits.
- For the Graduate Diploma, because the programme takes place alongside students taking the final year of their BA in Theology, Ministry and Mission, the College is responsible for ensuring that successful applicants can demonstrate sufficient prior aptitude for theological study such that they will not be disadvantaged by entering study at St Mellitus College at this level. Applicants must normally have a 2:1 Honours Degree in a humanities-based subject or a Diploma (HE) in Theology with a substantial proportion of their graded credit at Merit/2:1 level. However, especially for mature students, prior professional experience will be taken into account as well as educational qualifications. This will be assessed in the candidate’s interview.
- Have completed the Safeguarding training on ‘Basic Awareness’ and ‘Foundations’ and provide the certificates as part of the application process. These can be completed on the Church of England National Safeguarding Team's online learning portal here.
- As noted above, submission of a degree level academic paper of no less than 2,000 words, which must demonstrate the candidate’s aptitude for postgraduate level study (level 6).
- A 2.1 Honours Degree is normally required for direct entry to the MA (see below for possible exceptions).
- The applicant’s BA (Hons) should be in Theology or have contained substantial study of Theology up to level 6. Graduates (classed as first-class or 2:1 Honours) in other disciplines with experience of Theology or Religious Studies to at least FHEQ Level 4 (undergraduate Certificate level, awarded with merit or distinction, or with an overall mark of at least 60%) may also be admitted to the programme.
- Applicants with a Graduate Diploma in Theology or an equivalent subject will be considered, and the College will look to satisfy itself at interview as to whether the candidate has adequate preparation and grounding for study at MA level.
- However, especially for mature students, prior professional experience will be taken into account as well as educational qualifications. This will be assessed in the candidate’s interview.
- Have completed the Safeguarding training on ‘Basic Awareness’ and ‘Foundations’ and provide the certificates as part of the application process. These can be completed on the Church of England National Safeguarding Team's online learning portal here.
- Recommendation for training from a Church of England Stage 2 Panel or equivalent from a different church (with agreement from a Church of England Bishop). This process includes an assessment of the candidate’s educational aptitude for training.
- Share the College’s commitment to ‘Generous Orthodoxy’ i.e. working and worshipping together with ordinands from across the breadth of the Church of England and beyond.
- Have completed the Safeguarding training on ‘Basic Awareness’ and ‘Foundations’ and provide the certificates as part of the application process. These can be completed on the Church of England National Safeguarding Team's online learning portal here.
- Have a valid DBS check and provided proof of it.
- Current independent students who wish to transfer to an ordinand route will need to complete the ordinand application form.
- Recommendation from the appropriate diocesan advisory process to train as an LLM. This process includes an assessment of the candidate’s educational aptitude for training.
- We follow the Common Awards entry requirements for LLM candidates applying to study in our Chelmsford centre which is that candidates will normally have two A levels (grade C/grade 4 or above) or equivalent for direct entry. However, Chelmsford Diocese is responsible for checking this at application stage, and responsible for consideration of alternative means of meeting the requirements.
- Have completed the Safeguarding training on ‘Basic Awareness’ and ‘Foundations’ and provide the certificates as part of the application process. These can be completed on the Church of England National Safeguarding Team's online learning portal here.
- Have a valid DBS check and provided proof of it.
- Capacity to undertake a part-time placement in a ministry context as per the parameters detailed in the Youth / Children Ministry Placement Handbook.
- Have completed the Safeguarding training on ‘Basic Awareness’ and ‘Foundations’ and provide the certificates as part of the application process. These can be completed on the Church of England National Safeguarding Team's online learning portal here.
- Have a valid DBS check and provided proof of it.
- o equivalent academic potential, normally after the satisfactory completion of an academic
admissions test, such as the submission of a book review, which must be entirely the
individual candidate’s own work and should be properly referenced. - o having passed the educational criteria associated with the discernment process or diocesan
LLM selection process.
An additional criterion for full-time context-based ordinands:
• Capacity to undertake a part-time placement in a ministry context.
Beginning Theology is an access course designed to provide a foundation for further study. It is broadly aimed at level 3 study (AS / A-level equivalent) and therefore priority on the course is given to applicants who fit one or more of the following categories:
• Those without sufficient qualifications to access Higher Education
• Those for whom English is a second language - A reasonable (Intermediate) standard of written and spoken English is necessary to participate fully in the course. Students whose first language is not English will be encouraged and supported in improving their English language skills.
• Those from a minority or underprivileged socio-economic background and have not had the opportunity to study before
• Those who have been referred by their vocations adviser or DDO to undertake some theological study as part of the Church of England’s discernment process
As Beginning Theology is designed as an access course we may recommend other programmes that are run at St Mellitus College if we feel that due to their current level of education or other factors Beginning Theology will not be the best fit. For example, if an applicant already holds a degree and is not in one of the categories above it is likely that they will be directed to one of our accredited undergraduate or postgraduate programmes.
Whilst there are no formal entry requirements we only consider applicants who:
• Are regularly-attending members of a church. They should be able to demonstrate their involvement in a range of church activities such as mission, community outreach, ministry or leadership.
• Show a commitment to faith and to growing in understanding of the Gospel. They should be willing to commit to regular attendance at teaching sessions and completion of assignments.
• Are at least 18 years of age when the course begins.
Where the requirements for aptitude for study appropriate to the level of the qualification applied
for are not met, the College may at its discretion choose to offer places to students who can evidence:
If there is any doubt about the candidate’s aptitude for study at the desired level, as noted above, the College
may offer the candidate the chance to commence on a lower award. Please note that candidates asked to
complete a book review as part of the admissions process incur this cost at their own expense.