
Funmi's Confidence | Beginning Theology

"My faith has grown and I can now more confidently articulate my beliefs. Instead of just knowing that I have faith I am now able to put into words why or what my faith means to me."

How has this course equipped you to move in confidence into the next stage of your faith journey? Or in your ministry? or in your calling?

I have developed my understanding of God and His word, as a result, my faith has grown. I can now more confidently articulate my beliefs, instead of knowing that I have faith but not being able to put into words why or what my faith means to me.

How has the foundation formed in Beginning Theology influenced the hope you have for the future?

I am generally a hopeful person, so it was just a reminder of God’s loving nature and knowing that I can confidently go into the world being aware of this fact.

What would you say to those who are curious about enrolling in Beginning Theology?

Enrol! There is so much to learn about faith, God and the history of Christianity. It has been such a fun experience being able to learn more about a faith I’ve always had.

What noticeable differences in your life and ministry have grown out of attending Beginning Theology?

I study the Bible a lot more now and my Bible study is deeper because I have more of an understanding of the context behind what I’m reading and I’m able to identify themes in the bible a lot easier.

How has this course helped you reflect on your own beliefs?

My faith is overall stronger. I knew there were a lot of areas I was previously lacking in, but I’m now able to identify these and develop my knowledge of God.

Resources to Deepen Your Faith