
Continuing Theology

Continuing Theology is an opportunity to audit the first year of teaching at St Mellitus College, for those who have previously studied Beginning Theology.

Key Information

1 Year

The Continuing Theology programme is offered exclusively by St Mellitus College.

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Studying theology is really, important, interesting, exciting and essential to the well being of the church and the world. To study theology is to open ourselves up to God, to allow ourselves, our lives and our characters, to be shaped by the nature and purpose of God. We do this in the company of Christians of all times and places, who have embarked on the adventure of faith. So the study of theology is a spiritual discipline, but is undertaken not just for our own benefit but also so that we can become part of God’s loving action for the world. If we are to be people sent by the God of mission, we need to be deeply rooted in scripture and tradition, and we need to have thought through and prayed through our understanding and experience of God. Our society needs good theologians more than it ever has before.

What Continuing Theology Offers

Continuing Theology is offered as a chance to experience Level 4 (first year) teaching of a St Mellitus College BA programme. As such, Continuing Theology does not offer Moodle access, session handouts or recordings, and is offered at a 25% discount to regular auditing fees. If you want to engage in a programme with complete access and assessments, please click here to find out about our accredited undergraduate studies.

Please find Continuing Theology Terms and Conditions here.

For more information or if you have any questions, please email us.

Location and Time

  • In this module we will introduce you to theology. Our aim is for you to understand what theology is, and for you to gain some valuable tools to equip you to study theology.

  • A grasp of the content and nature of Christian Scripture is essential for all Christian thought and practice. This module will introduce not only the content of major parts of both Old and New Testaments, but also important scholarly insights and interpretative methods.

  • At the very heart of the Christian faith one finds the gospel, or the good news of Jesus. The message of the Gospel is that in the person of Jesus Christ, and his death and resurrection, God has come to restore a lost humanity and recreate a disordered creation. The current cultural climate in the West presents both challenges and opportunities for the presentation and proclamation of the Christian faith. It is therefore crucial that Christians are able to both articulate what the gospel is, and to engage with the question of how to contextualise and enflesh the gospel in whatever context they find themselves - be that the church, the workplace, the community or the school gates. This module requires students to reflect theologically upon their current experience and practice of evangelism and to develop a sensitive and contextual approach to evangelism in their existing context.

If you require further information about this programme, or anything related to studying at St Mellitus College please get in touch.