
Bob's Return to Faith

"The accessibility to be able to fit around my work, the warm welcome at the open day, and its generous orthodoxy across different styles of worship and expression appealed to me."

Tell us a bit about yourself.

My name is Bob. I am an Independent second-year student at the East Midlands centre. I was raised in the Church of England, but after stepping away from faith for 25 years, I came back through a church in Nottingham, Trent Vineyard. I currently work part-time for an IT Company while studying.

What drew you to study at St Mellitus College?

I had undergone some online theological study through the Vineyard movement and had started to look for options to do more formal theological studies when I discovered St.Mellitus. Its accessibility to be able to fit around my work, the warm welcome at the open day, and its generous orthodoxy across different styles of worship and expression appealed to me, along with its teaching being part of Durham, which gave it the academic credentials.

How would you describe the culture at St Mellitus College?

The culture is very friendly and inclusive and it's great to journey with people from different backgrounds and expressions and learn from them, as well as with the formal teaching. It helps to understand different viewpoints on traditional theological issues.

Why did you choose your programme of study?

I chose my programme of study as it fits well with my work. I have not studied for at least 20 years and so I am taking each year as it comes! I aim to complete the BA, but one year at a time – and this course allowed me to do that.

What difference have your studies at St Mellitus College had on your life and faith?

The biggest difference I would say is that I have slowed my thinking down. I now want to understand more before giving an opinion, as I have learned that in many aspects of life, there are multiple viewpoints and lenses that we see things through. Some of the learning on the course has been revelationary for me, and I love having the time to go deep during assignments and at times have been able to apply that both in work and in pastoral contexts when serving in Church.

It has certainly strengthened my faith and made me question beliefs that I may have previously held, with no basis to support them. This can be challenging at times, but it is a progressive formational process.

What tips or advice would you give a prospective student thinking of studying here?

Plan well, ask for as much help as you need, and immerse yourself in the studying.

In Three words describe your time at St Mellitus College.

Challenging. Enlightening. Transformational.