Jane Williams is one of the founding members of the faculty of St Mellitus College and a long-serving and much-loved leader, as well as an active scholar with an extensive publishing record. She is regularly invited to teach and speak all over the world.
Revd Russell Winfield, Dean: “We are so grateful for all that Jane has done for St Mellitus since its inception and I am delighted that she will be continuing in her role as McDonald Professor in Christian Theology. Jane acts with humility and gentleness alongside a great passion for the Church, a strong desire to see others flourish, and is a discerning leader. She is a source of wisdom, a wonderful advisor, and a trusted colleague. I’m incredibly grateful for all that Jane has done to serve the College and am delighted that this is set to continue.”
The position of McDonald Professor in Christian Theology is part of the McDonald Agape Foundation’s work to encourage distinguished scholars for Christ. As McDonald Professor in Christian Theology, Jane will continue to teach across St Mellitus and be a vital part of our life together as we seek to see theologically confident and committed followers of Jesus in every church, as well as acting in an ambassadorial capacity for the College.
Professor Jane Williams: “It is a privilege to be part of St Mellitus College and to see it grow into all that God has called it to be. I am grateful to serve alongside fantastic colleagues, and I look forward to this new season.”
Dr Sara Schumacher, Academic Dean: "It is such a gift to be able to continue to have Jane as our McDonald Professor in Christian Theology. Her contribution to the College’s life – staff and students – is invaluable, and we look forward to how she will continue to shape our spiritual and intellectual life."

Mcdonald Agape Foundation
Encouraging Distinguished Scholars for Christ